Research School for Economic and Social History


Phd Defence Esther Beeckaert (Ghent University)

On 7 October 2022 at 16:00 sharp, Posthumus alumna Ester Beeckaert will defend her PhD thesis ‘Rural transformation in the Ardennes: The commons as landscapes of change, 1750-1850’ to obtain her PhD in History from Ghent University. Promotors are Professor Eric Vanhaute and Professor Wouter Ryckbosch. After the session, there will be a reception at…

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Najaarsbijeenkomst SGVDO ‘Garnizoensstad Maastricht in de achttiende eeuw’

~ because of scope, in Dutch only ~ Op 20 oktober 2022 organiseert de Stichting Geschiedenis van de Overheidsfinanciën (SGVDO) haar najaarsbijeenkomst in Maastricht. Het thema van de najaarsbijeenkomst is ‘Garnizoensstad Maastricht in de achttiende eeuw’. De stad viel onder de soevereiniteit van de Staten-Generaal, maar betaalde geen belasting aan de Unie. De stad draaide…

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New publication on East Asian industrialisation by Prof. Peer Vries

In August 2022, publishing house Brill has published a new book by Professsor Peer Vries, entitled An East Asian Route of Industrialization? The Case of Japan, 1868-1937. With this book Peer Vries is the first scholar to provide an extensive test of the claim that industrialization in East Asia, in particular in Japan between the…

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Applied History Conferentie 2022

~ because of scope, in Dutch only ~ Dankzij de Toegepaste Geschiedenis kunnen we hedendaagse gebeurtenissen en ontwikkelingen beter begrijpen. Om dit vakgebied een podium te geven, organiseert het Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis van de Universiteit Utrecht op 24 september 2022 een conferentie over Applied History. Tijdens de dag kan men deelnemen aan verschillende panels, voorgezeten…

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Kate Frederick awarded Dissertation Award at WEHC2022

Dr Katherine Frederick, one of both Research Directors of the Posthumus Research Network ‘Societies in Context: Interactions between humans and rural-urban environments’, has been awarded the IEHA Dissertation Award in the WEHC 2022 Dissertation Competition in the category ’20th-21st century’ at the WEHC2022 in Paris. Kate Frederick was one of the final three nominees and…

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Masterclass ‘Between Integration and Expulsion’ with Beate Althammer

The Ghent University Research Group “Social History since 1750” in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute is hosting the masterclass ‘Between Integration and Expulsion: Actors, Practices and Subjects of Migration Control in 19th- and 20th-century Europe’, delivered by Dr Beate Althammer (Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) on Friday 30 September 2022…

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VIDI grant awarded to Matthias van Rossum

In the most recent round of VIDI grants, Posthumus-fellow Dr Matthias van Rossum (IISH) was awarded a VIDI Grant for his research project Differences in enslavement. This project researches how the ways in which people were enslaved (for example by war, debt or birth) influenced life under slavery and resistance to it by enslaved. The…

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N.W. Posthumus Institute congratulates graduates PhD Basic Training

At the Posthumus Conference 2022, held on 30 June and 1 July at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the PhDs present received their Certificate obtained for completing the Basic PhD Training Programma of the N.W. Posthumus Institute. On behalf of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, the staff wants to…

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Workshop ‘Digital mapping for historians with QGIS’

A map can be an excellent way to visualize your research, but only a small percentage of people know how to make them. Have you been wanting to learn more about digital mapping for your research, but do not know where to start? Or struggle to make time to teach yourself? This workshop may be…

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