
Round table and book launch ‘The early modern state’ preceding valedictory speech Professor Marjolein ‘t Hart
Preceding her valedictory speech, colleagues and friends will celebrate the work of Professor Marjolein ’t Hart by discussing her work and launching the book The early modern state: Drivers, beneficiaries and discontents (eds. Pepijn Brandon, Lex Heerma van Voss and Annemieke Romein), containing essays in her honour. The volume will be published by Routledge later…
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Early Career Symposium ‘Hansards in the World: Continuity and Discontinuity on the Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic Frontiers of the Early Modern Hanse’
Hansards in the World gathers and promotes new histories of the Hanse, an association of European merchants and towns, and how they interacted with the wider world in the early modern period. Contributors explore novel perspectives and approaches on the late life and afterlife of this association. How might we engage with the kinetic character…
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New issue TSEG out now!
Recently, the first 2022 issue of the The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History has been published. The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History is the Dutch-Flemish journal of social and economic history. It is an open access, peer-reviewed, scientific journal which was granted A status/ INT 1 by the European…
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NWO Veni Grant Awarded to Posthumus alumnus Dr Joris van den Tol
Posthumus alumnus Dr Joris van den Tol was recently awarded a Veni Grant by the Dutch Research Organisation (NWO). Dr Joris van den Tol’s project will investigate how it is possible that while the ‘Golden Age’ came to an end after about 1670, the share of the colonial processing industry in the economy quadrupled. This…
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Oratie Professor Jelle van Lottum (Radboud Universiteit) 20 mei 2022 – registreer voor 9 mei
~ because of scope only in Dutch ~ Op 20 mei 2022 zal professor Jelle van Lottum, hoogleraar aan de Radboud Universiteit / Faculteit der Letteren met de leeropdracht Geschiedenis van arbeidsmigratie in vergelijkend perspectief zijn ambt aanvaarden met het uitspreken van de rede Structuur en empathie: de geschiedenis van arbeidsmigratie naar Nederland in vergelijkend…
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Farewell Seminar Dr Willem Jongman
On 19 May 2022, a one-day farewell seminar will be held in honour of Dr Willem Jongman, on Archaeology and Ancient and Comparative Economic History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen. The programme will consist of a morning session on archaeology and an afternoon session on Comparative Economic History, two fields…
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Symposium ‘Voices in the Justice System: Agency of Victims, Plaintiffs, Witnesses and the Accused in Global Perspective’
The research group Tolerant Migrant Cities? The Case of Holland 1600-1900 organises in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute a symposium on agency in the justice system in global perspective on 9 June 2022 at the International Institute of Social History (IISG) in Amsterdam. This symposium is preceded on 8 June by a Masterclass by…
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Posthumus Conference website online now!
On 30 June and 1 July 2022, the Posthumus Conference 2022 will be hosted by the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam. This year’s theme will be ‘Humanomics’, with the keynote lecture by Professor Deirdre McCloskey. The conference website has just been launched at We are looking forward to…
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Selin Dilli receives NWO Veni Grant
Posthumus alumna and current member of the Education Committee of the N.W. Posthumus Institute Dr Selin Dilli (Utrecht University) was awarded a Veni Grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for her project ‘The Missing Entrepreneurs? The Diversity of Female Entrepreneurship in Europe, 1900-2020’. Female entrepreneurship is not a recent phenomenon. Nevertheless, we still know…
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Posthumus-alumnus Michiel de Haas receives Veni Grant
Posthumus alumnus Dr Michiel de Haas, currently assistant professor at the Rural and Environmental History Group of Wageningen University & Research was awarded a Veni Grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for his project ‘A good crisis gone to waste? The 1930s Great Depression and primary export dependence in Africa’. African economies are vulnerable…
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