Research School for Economic and Social History


Ewout Frankema appointed as new Chair of the General Board

At the latest General Board meeting of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, chair of the General Board Professor Hilde Greefs announced the completion of her period as chair person. The General Board of the N.W. Posthumus Institute wants to express thanks to Hilde for her successful time as chair. The General Board is also proud to…

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DATINI-ESTER Advanced Seminar 2022

Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” and the European School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER) will organise their sixth jointly-organized Datini-ESTER Advanced Seminar for economic and social historians on 8-13 May 2022, in Prato (Italy) on the theme of “Economic Innovations” The organisers ESTER, established in 1991, is an international…

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Annual Report N.W. Posthumus Institute 2020 online

The N.W. Posthumus Institute presents you its Annual Report over 2020. The report describes the activities, events, and results of both the N.W. Posthumus PhD Training Programme as well as the courses delivered within the Research Master programme of the N.W. Posthumus Institute over 2020. You can download the Annual Report 2020 via the button…

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Introducing the new Posthumus staff members

With the regular quinquennial transfer of the seat of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, now hosted by the Department of History and Art History at Utrecht University, we also would like to introduce to you the new staff members of the N.W. Posthumus Institute. Scientific Director: Dr Jessica Dijkman Jessica Dijkman (1960) is an associate professor…

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Pepijn Brandon receives VIDI Grant

Dr Pepijn Brandon, Research Director of the N.W. Posthumus Institute Research Network ‘Economy and Society of the Pre-industrial Low Countries in Comparative Perspective’ and affiliated with both the International Institute of Social History and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has been awarded a VIDI Grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for his project ‘Land Grabbing and…

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WEHC 2022 Paris

The 19th World Congress will be held in Paris on July 25-29, 2022. The Congress will address “resources” as one of the main challenges of the contemporary world. The Congress will consider sessions on all the categories of resources, that is natural, material, immaterial and human (work and skill): water, air, energy, food products, raw…

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Posthumus Institute moves to Utrecht: new home and new faces

As of 1 July 2021, the N.W. Posthumus Institute is hosted at Utrecht University, Department of History & Art History. This quinquennial change of the Institute’s home seat also means a change of staff: we are therefore happy to introduce to you Jessica Dijkman as new Scientific Director, Rogier van Kooten as new Educational Director…

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Fall Seminar series Economic & Social History Utrecht University

The Economic and Social History research group of Utrecht University annually organises two series of seminars: one in spring and one in fall. Papers on a range of different topics related to economic and social history, from Antiquity to recent times, are presented by scholars from within and outside the Netherlands. Depending on the COVID-19…

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PhD Defence Teuntje Vosters (Leiden University)

On 25 January 2022 Posthumus alumna (cohort 2016)  Teuntje Vosters successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘NGOs and Refugees in European History: Assessing NGO influence on international refugee policy making, 1919-1979’ at Leiden University. The N.W. Posthumus Institute congratulates Teuntje with this achievement!

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