Research School for Economic and Social History

PhD Candidates – Cohort 2024

<< to cohort 2023
Merel Blok (International Institute of Social History)
Commodity frontiers and merchant houses
(part of project SevenFrontiers: The global south in the age of early industrial capitalism)
Hannelore Braeken (Leiden University)
History of loneliness in people with mild intellectual disabilities
(part of project Collaborative learning from loneliness)
Marten Buschman (VU Amsterdam)
Biography of Henri van Kol. 1852-1925
Mingran Cao (Leiden University)
An experiment in self-governance: Land reclamation companies in Coastal Jiangsu, 1895-1950
Zarah Christine Cleve (Ghent University)
The history of African animal trypanosomiasis in colonial and early postcolonial Belgian Congo, Ruanda and Burundi (1890s-1970s)
Paulien Daelman (Ghent University)
(De)constructing vermin: interactions between agriculture and wildlife in the Low Countries (1780-1840)
Antje De Herdt (University of Antwerp)
Epidemic policies and inequalities in Belgium, 18th century till present
Hans de Vries (Utrecht University)
De marges aan de flanken van het publieke bestel: Welke identiteiten passen in het verzuilde medialandschap?
Nadeche Diepgrond (Radboud University)
Unequal treatment? Exploring the transformation of hospitals and investigating health inequalities among hospital patients in the Netherlands, 1830-1940
Rick Faust (University of Antwerp)
Cherchez la femme: Women and the boom of antiques in Belgium (c. 1880 – c. 1940)
Gijs Hoekstra (University of Groningen)
Social-historical analysis of depopulation and community welfare in the Northern Netherlands, 1950-2022
(part of project Coping with decline: Comparative social-historical analysis of depopulation and community welfare in Europe, 1950-2022)
Brent Huygh (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Village(r)s in court: Judicial empowering interactions between subjects and government in rural Brabant and Limburg (17th and 18th century)
Pascal Konings (International Institute of Social History)
Patterns, mechanisms and enslaved experiences of maritime slave trade in colonial Dutch Asia (1600-1800)
(part of project Voices of Resistance)
Evert Lambrechts (University of Antwerp / VLIZ)
Worth the gamble? Tourism and the embeddedness of gambling in seaside resorts between 1880’s-1930’s7
Camille Le Brettevillois (International Institute of Social History)
Category limits: How enslaved people of India used status & categories as an act of resistance in the Portuguese colonial empire, 16th-18th centuries.
Wieke Metzlar (Radboud Universiteit)
Missing Dutch girls. Patterns and determinants of excess mortality among girls, the case of Maastricht, 1864-1930
Paulo Pereira Oliveira Matos (Ghent University)
Colonial policies towards cattle pastoralists in Portuguese Angola and Mozambique, 1918-1975
Patrick Pieters (University of Antwerp)
Power, profit and risk in Antwerp banking, 1870-1940
Wouter Raaijmakers (Radboud University)
From legal strategies to social identities: Litigation in Dutch and British colonial South Africa and Sri Lanka, 1730-1830
Ilmari Samuel Railo (University of Groningen)
Coping with decline: Comparative social-historical analysis of depopulation and community welfare in Finland, 1950-2022
Lindsey (Lou) Resnikoff (University of Groningen)
Union House: Service worker organizing in the twentieth-century United States
Maud Rijks (Leiden University)
‘Water for Life’: Greenpeace and the fight against toxicity in the Great Lakes, 1980s-1990s
Marte Stoffers (Radboud University)
‘Business as usual’
Sanâa May Swart (Leiden University)
Relinquishment for adoption in the Netherlands, 1939-1980
Iliana Tintori Reyes (International Institute of Social History)
From ‘Chinese’ slaves to renegade men: Cultural practices as forms of resistance in New Spain and Philippines during the 17th century
Dea Van den Brande (University of Antwerp)
The financial lives of Antwerp immigrants, 1870 – 1940
Michiel van Dongen (University of Groningen)
The Dutch into foreign mining adventures. Free standing companies, 1870-1914
Jessie van Straaten (Leiden University)
Onderzoek naar levensloop en ‘ouderen’ in medische literatuur en beleid
Jessica van Zadelhof (University of Antwerp)
The experience of material culture in households in the 15th and 16th-century Southern Low Countries
Elene Vernaeve (Ghent University)
Cattle production and socio-ecological change in Katanga, 1910s-1970s
Sophie Henrike Vries (Utrecht University)
Sticky practices: The co-evolution of early years childcare, parental leave and women’s labour force participation
Yuanita Wahyu Pratiwi (Wageningen University & Research)
The well-being of rice farming societies in Java, 1750-1900
Pieter Zhao (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
The return of the privateers? A historical analysis of the international norms of maritime warfare and security following the re-emergence of non-state actors and irregular forces at sea in the 21st century
<< to cohort 2023