Research School for Economic and Social History


PhD Defence Posthumus alumna Eva van der Heijden

On 21 March 2024, Posthumus alumna Eva van der Heijden successfully defended her thesis ‘Educational Endeavors: Children of immigrants in education in the Netherlands, 1980-2020’ at Leiden University. Promotor was Professor Leo Lucassen (Leiden University), co-promotor Professor Helga de Valck ( Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, University of Groningen). The N.W. Posthumus staff congratulates Eva with…

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PhD Defence Posthumus alumnus Damion Bunders

On 15 March 2024, Posthumus alumnus Damion Bunders will defend his thesis ‘Gigs of their Own: can platform cooperatives become resilient?’ at the Erasmus Research Institute of Management of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Damion’s dissertation is about platform cooperatives as an alternative form of organisation where gig workers own and manage a digital platform collectively. It…

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PhD Defence Posthumus alumnus Patrick Naaktgeboren

On 11 January 2024, Posthumus alumnus Patrick Naaktgeboren successfully defended his PhD thesis ‘Private partnerships in early modern Antwerp (1621–1791) at Maastricht University. Promotores were Professor Bram Van Hofstraeten (Maastricht University) and Professor Jeroen Puttevils (University of Antwerp). Patricks dissertation investigates private partnerships in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Antwerp (1621–1791) from both a legal historical and…

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Levend Archiefprijs 2023 awarded to Heidi Deneweth

The Levend Archief organisation, the association of supporters of the City Archives of Bruges, has awarded Posthumus board member Dr Heidi Deneweth the Levend Archiefprijs (‘Living Archives Award’), a quintennial award, for her publication Goede muren maken goede buren. Verbouwingen en buurtleven in Brugge, 1500-1800 (‘Good walls make good neighbors. Remodelling and neighborhood life in…

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N.W. Posthumus Annual Report 2022 available

The General Board of the N.W. Posthumus Institute is happy to present you the N.W. Posthumus Institute Annual Report 2022. The report provides you with an overview of activities, results and developments regarding the N.W. Posthumus Institute in 2022, the first ‘regular’ year after the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on society. DOWNLOAD (PDF, 3…

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Phd Defence Posthumus alumnus Mark van de Water

On 20 September 2023, Posthumus alumnus Mark van de Water defended his PhD thesis ‘The road to drain or gain’ at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University. Supervisors were Professor David Henley and Dr Thomas Lindblad, promotores were Professor Henley and Dr Jeroen Touwen. The aim of Mark’s PhD dissertation is to explore the…

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Changes in General Board N.W. Posthumus Institute

Recently, the composition of the General Board of the N.W. Posthumus Institute has changed. Professor Hein Klemann, representative of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), has resigned as Board Member because of forthcoming retirement. Professor Ben Wubs from now on is the acting representative of the EUR, Dr Jeroen Euwe taking Ben’s place as substitute board member….

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Posthumus fellow Selin Dilli one of speakers at Betweterfestival 2023

Posthumus Fellow and member of our Education Committee Selin Dilli is one of the invited speakers at the annual Betweterfestival. The Betweterfestival is an annual event, organised by Utrecht University in close cooperation with numerous partner organisations and is open to anyone who wants to know how the world works, who is nog easily scared…

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Changes of PhD representatives

At the General Board meeting of 19 September 2023, Jasper Segerink, Samantha Sint Nicolaas and Karoline da Silva Rodrigues ended their positions as PhD representatives. The N.W. Posthumus Institute and its staff thank Jasper, Samantha and Karoline very much for their efforts for the N.W. Posthumus Institute and the PhD candidates. Jasper Segerink Samantha Sint…

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Cum laude PhD defence alumna Weixuan Li

On 12 September 2023, Posthumus-alumna Weixuan Li successfully defended her PhD thesis Painters’ playbooks: Deep mapping socio-spatial strategies in the art market of seventeenth-century Amsterdam cum laude at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. Promotors were Professor Charles van den Heuvel and professor Julia Noordegraaf, co-supervision was provided by Dr Claartje Rasterhoff…

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