4TU.History of Technology centre launched
From January 2024, the four technical universities (Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research (both institutions also participating in the N.W. Posthumus Institute), Delft University of Technology, and University of Twente) are pooling their knowledge and expertise in the field of the history of technology in 4TU History of Technology. The new centre aims to provide students, engineers and the wider audience with a historical awareness of the role that technology and engineers played in societal transitions in the past two centuries, as well as to develop working methods that makes such knowledge actionable today. 4TU.History of Technology will stimulate and facilitate research, education and public debate on the role of technology in societal transitions then and now.
4TU.History of Technology facilitates and stimulates collaborative research in the history of technology and socio-environmental change. It focuses on the so-called twin green and digital transition(s), which currently sparks heated political, public and academic debate, and is pooling research as well as educational activities and initiatives of the four technical universities.
To this purpose, the Centre is currently developing an umbrella research agenda and network able to inspire research applications and host a plethora of collaborative research projects and other initiatives. The Centre organizes regular workshops, conferences, exchange visits and summer schools, and more and collaborates with international associations in the field.