Kate Frederick awarded Keetje Hodshon Award 2023
Dr Katherine Frederick, one of the Research Directors of the Posthumus Research Network ‘Societies in Context: Interactions between humans and rural-urban environments’, has been awarded the Keetje Hodshon Award 2023. Kate receives this award for her PhD thesis Deindustrialization in East Africa: Textile production in an era of globalization and colonization, c. 1830-1940, which she succesfully defended at Wageningen University in 2018. Previously, she was also awarded the Dissertation Award at WEHC2022.
The Keetje Hodshon Award has been established by the J.C. Ruigrok Stichting te Haarlem and is intended to support recently (< 5 years) promoted PhDs, based on their original research within the field of Humanities. The award is granted by the board of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen and will be awarded at the award ceremony at the Hodshon huis of the KHMW.
The N.W. Posthumus Institute staff congratulates Kate very much with winning this award.