Workshop ‘Globalisation and Long-Run Development in Asia and Africa (ca. 1800-2000)’
On 23 and 24 June 2022, members of the N.W. Posthumus Institute Research Network ‘Globalisation, Inequality and Sustainable Development in Long-Term Perspective’ will organise a workshop on the theme ‘Globalisation and Long-Run Development in Asia and Africa (ca. 1800-2000)’. Keynote speaker at this event will be Professor Deepak Nayyar, Emeritus Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
How has globalization, that is the rise of global trading volumes and the integration of global markets, affected the economic fortunes of countries in the Global South since the early nineteenth century? To what extent have societies in Africa and Asia been pushed towards primary commodity production as a result the newly emerging global division of labour and to what extent has this hindered their economic growth in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? How have different geographic and ecological conditions, as well as local and colonial institutions, affected this relationship? It is the purpose of this workshop to bring together some 20 economists and economic historians working on the role of trade in the long-term development of Africa and Asia for a two-day workshop to be held in Wageningen to be held 23 and 24 June 2021.
Thursday 23 June 2022 | |
09:30-09:45 | Walk-in with coffee |
09:45-10:00 | Welcome and introduction by Dr Pim de Zwart (Wageningen UR) |
10:00-12:00 | Session I |
Dr David Chilosi (King’s College London) (w/ Professor Giovanni Federico (New York University Abu Dhabi) The welfare gains of the first globalization: a within-country perspective |
Professor Giovanni Federico (New York University Abu Dhabi) (w/ Dr Christopher Absell (Università di Pisa) & Professor Antonio Tena-Junguito (University Carlos III de Madrid) Breaking the ties that bind: colonial trade ties and export growth in the poor periphery, 1950-90 |
Professor Ewout Frankema (Wageningen UR) From the Great Divergence to South-South Divergence |
13:00-15:00 | Session II |
Professor Markus Lampe (WU Vienna) (w/ Dr Vellore Arthi (University of California, Irvine), Ashwin R. Nair (National Bureau of Economic Research, India) & Professor Kevin Hjortshøj O’Rourke (New York University Abu Dhabi) The Impact of Interwar Protection: Evidence from India |
Professor Tirthankar Roy (London School of Economics) Tropical development: The environmental origins of world inequality |
Dr Janneke Pieters (Wageningen UR) Trade liberalization and Gender Inequality in India |
15:00-15:15 | Coffee and tea |
15:00-16:45 | Session III |
Dr Kate Frederick & Professor Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk (both Utrecht University) Local advantage in a global context. Competition, adaptation and resilience in textile manufacturing in the ‘periphery’, 1860-1960 |
Dr Michiel de Haas (Wageningen UR) (w/ Dr Bram van Besouw (Erasmus University Rotterdam)) The Great Depression and Social Distress in British Colonial Africa: Evidence from Prison Records |
17:00-18:30 | Keynote lecture Professor Deepak Nayyar (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Globalization, History and Development: A Tale of Two Centuries |
18:30-19:00 | Drinks |
19:00-….. | Dinner |
Friday 24 June 2022 | |
09:00-11:00 | Session IV |
Professor Pierre van der Eng (Australian National University, Canberra) Active land markets despite ‘fuzzy’ property rights in Indonesia, 1920s-1930s |
Dr Pim de Zwart (Wageningen UR) (w/ Phylicia Soekhradj BA (Wageningen UR) Colonial Paradox: Sugar, Property Rights and Land Inequality in Java |
Dr Jessica Vechbanyongratana (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok) Western Land Institutions and Provincial Land Markets in Central Siam, 1885-1908 |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee and tea |
11:15-12:45 | Session V |
Professor Anne Booth (SOAS University of London) Trade and Exchange Rate Policies before and after Independence in Asia |
Dr Montserrat Lopez Jerez (St. Andrews University) The economic phoenix of Asia: growth and shrinking in Vietnam |
12:45-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-15:00 | Session VI |
Dr Robrecht Declercq (Ghent University) Economic Decolonization in the Congo 1960-1980 |
Tanik Joshipura MSc (Wageningen UR) Feeding Urban Africa: the role of city location and population growth |
15:00-15:15 | Coffee and tea |
15:15-16:45 | Session VII |
Professor Ulbe Bosma (International Institute of Social History) Sugar, Peripheralisation and Industrialisation in colonial India, Indonesia and the Philippines |
Robert Keenan MA (Wageningen UR) Effects of Migration in Colonial Southeast Asia |
16:45-17:30 | Closing discussion |
17:30-….. | Drinks and dinner |
How to participate
You are cordially invited to join the Workshop on “Globalization and Development in Asia and Africa, 1800-2020” Please let the organizer know you are interested in partaking in the workshop (free of charge – lunch will be provided) by sending an e-mail to the organiser, Dr Pim de Zwart (Wageningen UR)