Call for sessions EUAH 2026 Conference ‘City Networks in Europe and Beyond’ – deadline 15 April 2026
The Seventeenth Conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) will be held in Barcelona from Wednesday 2 September to Saturday 5 September 2026. The organisers welcome proposals for sessions for this conference edition; the central theme of the EAUH2026 Conference is ‘City Networks in Europe and Beyond’.
With its focus on cities and the networked urban world, the Seventeenth EAUH Conference aims to foster cross-fertilisation between history, geography and other social and environmental sciences, all of which are critical sources of knowledge for the preservation of contemporary democratic culture.
EAUH 2026 is hosted by the Facultat de Geografia i Història, University of Barcelona (UB), the Vallès School of Architecture (ESTAV) and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB).
Session proposals need to be based on the concept of an open call instead of on the basis of a preconceived list of paper presenters. Proposals should be submitted ultimately 15 April 2025 via the dedicated Google Form. Specifications on how to submit and the link to the Google Form are to be found on the webpage of the EAUH2026 Conference (use the button below to visit that page).