PhD position ‘Food Protest in Early Modern Northern Italy’ (University of Amsterdam) – deadline 10 April 2025
The Amsterdam School for Historical Studies (ASH) invites applications for a fully funded PhD position (4 years; 1ft). The PhD will work on the Italian subproject of the project Daily Bread. A Comparative Urban History of Early Modern Food Protests, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and led by Professor Maartje van Gelder.
The research team PhD, which will consist of the PI, a postdoc and 2 PhD candidates, will focus on two fundamental and connected historical questions: How did ordinary people shape politics in the period before institutionalized democracy? And how has power shaped archives, determining whose histories have been written, and whose have been silenced?
The PhD candidate for this position will focus on the subproject on subproject on famine, urban protest, and food cultures in the Milanese state (ca. 1550-1800), with a prefered focus on the city of Milan. This subproject will explore the ways in which these protests developed, what their impact was, and trace how they have been recorded in both archives and early modern writing. Moreover, this project offers the possibility of examining how the introduction of new food stuffs interacted with food protests.
Applications should be submitted ultimately 10 April 2025 via the Academic Transfer portal.