Research School for Economic and Social History


18 March 2025
12:00 - 13:30
online, link will be sent after registration

Online Seminar: From Scribe to Screen: Sources and Approaches to Global History in the Digital Age

Pichayapat Naisupap and Melinda Susanto (both Leiden University and Posthumus alumni) are co-organising the online seminar ‘From Scribe to Screen: Sources and Approaches to Global History in the Digital Age’.

Digital humanities and the digitisation of archives are ever-growing trends in academia. How will digitisation open up new opportunities and yet present new challenges to historical research? Co-organised with Leiden University’s COGLOSS series, the GLOBALISE project — as well as projects associated with it (Combatting Bias and Necessary Reunions) — invites discussions on digitisation, accessibility, and new approaches to global history.

The webinar starts with an introduction to GLOBALISE and its affiliated projects, followed by ‘lightning talks’, providing a platform for early career researchers to share their research and reflect on how digital methods have informed their work.

Programme and speakers

12:00-12:05 Pichayapat Naisupap (Leiden University) and Melinda Susanto (Leiden University & Huygens Institute) – Introductions
12:05-12:10 Lodewijk Petram (Huygens Institute) – GLOBALISE
12:10-12:20 Manjusha Kuruppath (Huygens Institute) and Leon van Wissen (University of Amsterdam) – Necessary Reunions
12:20-12:35 Amber Zijlma and Mrinalini Luthra (both Huygens Institute) – Combatting Bias
12:35-12:45 Q and A
12:50-13:20 Lightning Talks
  Li Yichao (Peking University)
  Bart van Duijvenbode (Radboud University)
  Rosalie Oudshoorn (Leiden University)
  Satrio (Ody) Dwicahyo (Leiden University)
13:20-13:30 Q and A

Full info and registration

You will find full details in the full call, to be downloaded as pdf below.
Participation is free, but prior registration is required. A participation link will be sent to you after registration.