Call for papers IV Doctoral School in Economic History of the Middle Ages ‘The Economy of Daily Life: Analysing Living Standards in Medieval Europe’ (University of Valencia) – deadline 30 April 2025
The research group Cultures i Societats de l’Edat Mitjana (CiSEM) at the University of Valencia is organising the IV Doctoral School in Economic History of the Middle Ages, to be held from 30 June to 2 July 2025, which will be dedicated to ‘The Economy of Daily Life: Analysing Living Standards in Medieval Europe’.
This Doctoral School will address the latest research on living standards, with a particular focus on training doctoral students and early-career researchers in theoretical and methodological aspects. Papers and presentations will be the essential means to understand living standards and the socio-economic complexities of the medieval population, offering a more comprehensive view of how these aspects were intrinsically linked to daily life and social structures.
To highlight the wide range of available sources and methodological approaches on the subject, the Doctoral School will feature internationally renowned scholars delivering keynote lectures. This will be followed by presentations by doctoral students and early-career researchers. The three invited professors are Robert Allen (New York University Abu Dhabi & University of Oxford), Posthumus fellow Alexandra de Pleijt (Wageningen University & Research), and Lluís To (University of Girona). In addition, senior professors and researchers from various Spanish universities involved in the School’s activities will also participate.
The organisers encourage doctoral students and early-career researchers interested in the topic to submit their proposals. Submissions should be sent by 30 April 2025; further specifications are to be found in the full call via the button below.