Research School for Economic and Social History


18 December 2024
13:00 - 17:30
Radboud University, Maria Montessori Building, Thomas van Aquinostraat 4, Nijmegen, room MM 02.630

Workshop ‘Since 1624: Studying the Impact of the VOC in Taiwan’

As follow-up of the publication ‘Since 1624: Taiwanese-Dutch Relations’ (2024), this workshop will delve into the historical influence of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) on Taiwan, focusing on how this period continues to shape academic inquiry. Scholars will engage in discussions about contemporary and future research approaches that explore Taiwan’s social, economic, and cultural transformations during the Dutch era (1624-1662). The workshop aims to highlight new methodologies, emerging perspectives, and interdisciplinary frameworks that are enhancing our understanding of this pivotal chapter in the history of both Taiwan and the Netherlands, shedding light on its enduring legacy and relevance today. During the workshop scholars will present their work, followed by general discussion with the commentators and the audience.

The workshop is co-organized and co-funded by the Taipei Representative Office, the research network ‘Routes and Roots in Colonial and Global History’ of the N.W. Posthumus Institute, and the Department of History, Art History and Classics at Radboud University.


13:00-13:15 Coffee and tea
13:15-13:30 Welcome
  Tim Riswick (Radboud University)
13:30-14:00 Dutch Formosa Goes GLOBALISE
  Ann Heylen (National Taiwan Normal University)
14:00-14:30 Forgotten Resistance: Diaspora Chinese Rebellion in Taiwan Sealed in Dutch Archives
  Tzu-Yi Hsu (VU Amsterdam)
14:30-15:00 Writing Historical Fiction on Taiwan’s Dutch Episode
  Joyce Bergvelt
15:00-15:30 Coffee and tea
15:30-16:00 Leveraging GLOBALISE and digital maps for new histories of the VOC in Taiwan
Lodewijk Petram (Huygens Institute KNAW)
16:00-16:30 “This thriving republic”. Political institutions and social capital in Dutch Tayouan (1655-1662)
Maarten F. van Dijck (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
16:30-16:40 Reflection
Leonard Blussé (Leiden University)
16:40-16:45 Closing
Tim Riswick (Radboud University)
16:45-17:30 Drinks at Cultuurcafé

How to participate

The event is open for everyone who registers. Registration is possible until 11 December 2024 via the registration form (see button below).