Call for abstracts 3rd Global Conference on the History of Risk and Insurance (Warsaw, Poland) – deadline 16 December 2024
On 3 and 4 July 2025, The Warsaw School of Economics will be hosting the Third Global Conference on the History of Risk and Insurance. This conference investigates insurance as crucial to social development, economic advances, finance globalisation, and general capitalism. It discusses risk and how people have coped with it from the early beginning of human society to the era of artificial intelligence, locally, regionally, and internationally, with a closer look at the Central and Eastern European regions. This global lens invites the combination of the wide global perspective with local, micro-historical perceptions. The conference combines business professionals and academics from around the world.
Papers are invited to take either a comparative view, contrasting different geographical contexts, or a generalizing, international perspective. The conference theme also includes the areas of consumption, such as the social and ethnic patterns of insurance markets, and the changing perceptions of risk in different geographic and cultural contexts especially in the face of the application modern AI approach. Scholars are particularly invited to cross traditional academic boundaries by offering insights on geographical entanglements or trans-epochal developments. The conference follows an interdisciplinary format, bringing together scholars from various disciplines interested in the history of insurance from global perspectives, notably from Business History, International Business Studies, Global History, Consumer History, the History of Law, and Historical Sociology.
Abstracts (500 words max.) are due by 16 December 2024. For further details, visit the conference website (see button below).