Seminar ‘CAPASIA: The Asian Origins of Global Capitalism’ (University of Amsterdam and hybrid)
On 21 May 2024, a hybrid seminar will be held jointly by the participants in the CAPASIA and GLOBALISE projects on the topic ‘CAPASIA: The Asian origins of global capitalism’. Confirmed speakers are Maarten Draper and Sebastian Majstorovic, both Research Associates with the European University Institute. Referent will be Luc Bulten, Postdoc Researcher at Radboud University.
The CAPASIA project analyzes approximately 150 European ‘factories’ established in maritime Asia between 1500-1800. It views these not just as trade locations, but as vibrant hubs of material and information exchanges between Asians and Europeans. The project uses the factories as a lens to explore the Asian origins of global capitalism. In their talk, Maarten Draper and Sebastian Majstorovic will provide an overview of the aims and methodology of the CAPASIA project, including
the development of a comprehensive database of these factories. They will also discuss how the CAPASIA and GLOBALISE projects align and build upon each other.
CAPASIA is a five-year ERC-funded project hosted at the European University Institute in Florence. Its deliverables include a user-friendly website that will serve as a repository for data on the factories, a meeting place for scholars, and a medium for decolonising histories of global capitalism. GLOBALISE, a five-year NWO-funded
project based at the Huygens Institute in Amsterdam, focuses on making the VOC archives more accessible to researchers.
The seminar can be attended on location or online; the Zoomlink is displayed in the header of this post or via the button below.