Research School for Economic and Social History


Postdoc position ‘History of International Ageing Policies’ (Leiden University; 0.8 fte, 30 months) – deadline 19 May 2024

The Institute for History at the University of Leiden invites applications for a postdoc position (0.8 fte, 30 months) on the history of international ageing policies within the project ‘Human Development and Its Outliers’

This project envisions a broad evaluation of 20th-century models of human development over the life course (ontogenesis, human constitution), including socialist and capitalist conceptions across both Eastern and Western Europe. It asks how these models of human life course were developed, including what stages of development are defined, and what ‘proper’ paths each model of development dictates along these stages. Taking into consideration the social and economic environments in which these models were developed, it further evaluates how ‘outliers’ – i.e., individuals differing from the median of human development because of age, disability, physical, or mental capacity – have been incorporated into or excluded from these different models. Finally, it asks how different models may have influenced each other over the course the 20th century and what influence these models – and their interactions – have had on conceptions and programmes of social welfare.

The Institute for History is looking for a candidate who will evaluate models of human development by reconstructing UN programmes and activities related to ageing and human development since the 1960s. Based on research in the archives of United Nations and its specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization, the postdoctoral researcher will study the international debates about ageing and lifespan. Within the project, this specific international history will be embedded in broader and longer histories of human development models, as investigated by the other project team members in Western and Eastern Europe (project leaders and PhD candidate) and by other scholars who will contribute to a planned workshop and edited volume/special issue.

Applications should be submitted ultimately by 19 May 2024 via the dedicated application portal of Leiden University.