Research School for Economic and Social History


24 February 2023
13:00 - 17:00
University of Amsterdam, Spinhuis, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, room 2.18, Amsterdam

Research School Political History Seminar ‘Applied History and Current Affairs’

On 24 February 2023, the Research School Political History (RSPH) organises the seminar ‘Applied History and Current Affairs’. This seminar has a dual goal. First of all, it invites PhD candidates to reflect on the links between their research project, their research methodologies, and current affairs. Students are asked to rethink the relevance and the methodologies of their project from the perspective of current social and political concerns. What is the ‘big question’ that you are trying to respond to? Second, in interaction with people working in the sphere of policy-making, heritage, the press and think tanks candidates reflect on how they can develop methods of ‘applied history’, how their research can be considered ‘usable history’ for others outside academia, and/or how they may present their academic skills and knowledge to the world beyond academia, also with an eye towards their post-PhD-career.

Supervisors of and speakers at this seminar will be Dr Harm Kaal, Dr Stefan Couperus and Professor Beatrice de Graaf. PhD participants are expected to write a short statement (1 A4) and a short paper (800-1000 words) to be discussed at this seminar. Details on the content, deadlines and how to submit are to be found in the leaflet (pdf; see button below).

Participants need to register by e-mail via the secretariat of the RSPH before 2 February 2023. If registration exceeds the group limit, third-year PhD candidates will have priority.