Research School for Economic and Social History


Platform Digital Infrastructure SSH awards grants to Posthumus Board member Jan Kok and Posthumus fellow Auke Rijpma

There is a strong desire in the SSH field to assign part of the resources intended for the SSH Sector Plan of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) to a domain wide digital SSH plan. For this purpose, the SSH Council – which represents the SSH field – initiated the Platform for Digital Infrastructure for SSH (PDI-SSH). The platform is responsible for allocating resources to digital infrastructure facilities within the SSH domain, for coordinating digital infrastructures in the SSH domain and for strategy within that domain. The Platform Digital Infrastructure SSH has awarded ten grants (out of 47 applications) related to the Call Digital Infrastructure SSH. Among the grantees are Posthumus Board member Professor Jan Kokfor his proposed project “Diversity and dynamics. The population of Curacao 1839-1950” and Posthumus fellow Dr Auke Rijpmafor the proposal “HIP-NL: an Historical Income Panel for the Netherlands”. The Posthumus staff congratulates both grantees with this result.

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