Research School for Economic and Social History


13 September 2024
Leeuwenborch Room B0067, Wageningen University

Workshop ‘Political Economy and Long-Run Development’ (WUR)

Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán and Pim de Zwart would like to cordially invite you to the one-day Workshop “Political Economy and Long-Run Development” to be held on September 13th 2024 (Leeuwenborch building, Room B0067) at Wageningen University & Research. The objective of this event is to present new research on topics at the intersection between politics and economics covering a wide variety of contexts. If you would like to attend the workshop, please, contact one of the organizers before Friday 6th of September. (Pim de Zwart:, Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán:
9.30-10.00: Coffee
10.00-10.15: Welcome, Pim de Zwart & Daniel Gallardo Albarrán (Wageningen University)
10.15-12.30: Session I (Chair: Pim)
Oriol Sabate Domingo (University of Barcelona)
Power sharing and administrative reforms: the case of Chile under military rule (1925-31)
Elise Huillery (University Paris Dauphine)
Emperors without Sceptres: Early Colonial Leaders’ Personality and Civil Conflicts
Bas Machielsen (Utrecht University)
Dynamic Returns to Political Tenure
12.30-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30: Session II (Chair: Daniel)
Jutta Bolt (Groningen University & Lund University)
African Political Institutions and the Impact of Colonialism
Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics)
How was power shared in colonial Africa? Taxation and representation in the British empire
14.30-15.00: Coffee and tea
15.00-17.15: Session III (Chair: TBD)
Jordi Caum-Julio (University of Manchester)
Commercialization, labour returns and agricultural income inequality in colonial India
Maanik Nath (Utrecht University)
Climate and Collective Participation in Colonial India
Vigyan Ratnoo (Utrecht University)
History, politics and rural development: the case of India’s forests
17.15-17.20: Closing remarks, Pim de Zwart & Daniel Gallardo Albarrán (Wageningen University)
17.20-18.00: Drinks
18.30-Late: Dinner
Location: TBD